PhD student 유일한 (ilhan Ryoo)
Email : adsf904@gmail.com
Research interests : Source identification of PM2.5 by PMF, health effect of PM2.5
PhD student 김송강 (Songkang Kim)
Email : songsiun2@snu.ac.kr
Reasearch interests: Source Identification of PM2.5 by PMF and Quantitative Evaluation using Machine Learning, health effects of PM2.5
PhD student 김태연 (Taeyeon Kim)
Email : tykim1221@snu.ac.kr
Research interests : Source identification of PM2.5 and PM1 by PMF, health effect of PM2.5 and PM1
MS student 박혜원(Hyewon Park)
Email : hyewonpark@snu.ac.kr
Reasearch interests: Source Apportionment, Health Impacts of Climate Change
MS student 신혜진 (Hyejin Shin)
Email : shj0813@snu.ac.kr
Reasearch interests: Chemical analysis, Source apportionment, Health effects of PM2.5
MS student 심성환 (Sung hwan Shim)
Email : judeshim@snu.ac.kr
Reasearch interests: Source Identification of PM2.5 by PMF, health effects of PM2.5
MS student 한수정 (Su Jung Han)
Email : srabbit01@snu.ac.kr
Reasearch interests: Chemical analysis, Source apportionment, Health effects of PM2.5
PhD student 강민수 (Min Soo Kang)
Email : kms0825@snu.ac.kr
Research interests : Source Identification of PM2.5 by PMF, health effects of PM2.5
MS student 황재욱 (Jaewook Hwang)
Email : atmospherehwang@snu.ac.kr
Research interests : Source Identification of PM2.5 by PMF, health effects of PM2.5
PhD student 정승표 (Seung Pyo Jeong)
Email : jsp6379@snu.ac.kr
Research interests
- PM2.5 concentrations and chemical compositions
- Source identification using receptor model (Potential Source Contribution Function, PSCF)
- Source apportionment using receptor model (Positive Matrix Function, PMF) -
PhD candidate 한진수 (현, 삼성전자 근무)
Email :
Research interests : Atmospheric Wet Deposition of Total Mercury
PhD student 김승희
Email :
Research interests :Atmospheric Wet Deposition of Total Mercury
PhD candidate 유준영 (현, Coway 근무)
Email :
Research interests :